Friday, January 29, 2010

Cupcakes with Aimie

Aimie, one of Rylee's best friends from school, came over one day to play and make cupcakes. The girls had a blast! Cake mix is not sold in Japan, I luckily shipped several boxes.

Avery and her many crazy faces???

So silly!!

Taste testing is the most important part!

Avery confirmed, it's good!

What a fun day!

Date Night

I am so lucky to have another Mom here in Utsunomiya who is willing to swap date nights with me. Once a month my friend Stacey and I take turns watching each other's children so we can have a night out with our husbands. This month Chris and I went out with another couple who are here through Honda as well. We shared some great food and good laughs!

Cheese is not a common food in Japan and it is so expensive to buy. So anytime I have a chance to order it, I do!! This cheese appetizer was like art work, I had to take a pic.

Our friends Annie and Garrett.

Rylee and Avery - January 2010

Avery can finally hold her fingers correctly and she is so proud she is 2!!

Avery loves to get all dress-up in her jewelry!

Silly time in the tub!!

Bowling - January 2010

It was a cold day in Utsunomiya, so we decided to do something indoors. We thought we would give bowling a try. Chris did an excellent job speaking Japanese and filling out the forms in Japanese. I am so impressive with his Japanese language skills!!
This was Rylee second time to bowl and Avery's first time. It was a lot of fun!

These bowling slides are awesome!! The slide combined with the bumpers really helped the girls bowling game!

Big sis Rylee instructing Avery on her form and technique.....too funny!

Romantic Mula - January 2010

We discovered yet another great park in the Utsunomiya area, Romantic Mula park and botanical gardens. The weather has been chilly, but as long as the sun is shining the temperatures are tolerable. The girls had a blast checking out some of the new play ground equipment!

Avery loves to swing and has nearly mastered the girl swing all on her own.

It was nice and warm exploring the beautiful botanical gardens.

Circus - January 2010

The girls experienced the Circus for the first time in Japan. Rylee loved every minute of it! And it took Avery awhile to warm up to it. It of course was dark and loud, but after about 20 minutes the show dogs came out and Avery was in heaven. We went with our sensei Mioko. It was a fun day!

The umbrella balancing lady was my favorite, so impressive!

Stacie's 31st Birthday - December 2009

I had a wonderful 31st Birthday! It started with waking up to a beautiful arrangement of flowers from my dear friend Kerri and a delicious breakfast made by my sweet husband.

I received many kind birthday wishes, cards and gifts from my dear friends and family.

We went to my favorite Indian restaurant, Tajmahal, for lunch.

And finished the day with the most delicious cakes from our near by cake shop, Pumps.
31 is going to be awesome, I can feel it already.