Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oya Temple

Oya Temple is located about 5 miles outside Utsunomiya. It is said to have been founded by Kobodaishi in 810. Inside there are 10 merciful images carved in the rock face. We were not allowed to take photos inside.

Cleansing before you enter.

The park surrounding the temple was beautiful, I look forward to visiting again in the spring.

Near the temple another huge image of the Heiwa Kannon stands about 88 feet high, which was carved out of the wall of rock after World War II to be dedicated to the war dead and world peace.

This was a great day trip for us. It was only 30 minutes from our house. Just enough time to see something interesting in the morning, get some lunch and head home for naps.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tako yaki Balls - January 2009

This week Mari, who is an OAP teacher, invited us to her house to learn how to make tako yaki. Tako yaki is a pancake ball with octopus inside, they're really good!
These are the ingredients for the balls: batter mix, cabbage, ginger, onion, and octopus.

Avery had fun exploring Mari's house while we cooked.

We actually just bought a tako yaki griddle this weekend, we love them that much.

The girls actually like them too. It was a fun day!

First Day of Yochien - January, 8 2009

January 8, 2009
Rylee's first day of preschool at Kinugawadai Yochien. Rylee is in the 3 year old class, the tulip class. She attends there all day everyday. A bus picks her up at 9:50 and she returns at 3:40. Her first week was a bit rough, but the second week she only cried once. She seems to really enjoy riding the bus and is already picking up on the language.
Waiting for the bus.

Here comes the bus.

This is Rylee and her friend Amy. There are two other English speaking children in her class.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Trip to Osaka

We visited Osaka City over our holiday break. We took a 5 hour train ride to get there. It was a bit stressful locating the correct train, considering we can't read signs too well. But, once on the train we had a great experience. We passed Mount Fuji on the way.

We toured a wonderful aquarium and took a ride on one of the largest ferris wheels in the world.

We tried some new and delicious food, okonomiyaki.

We visited the Osaka Castle. Once built entirely of granite, but after being destroyed twice has now been replicated in concrete. It was still a stunning sight.