Saturday, January 3, 2009

Trip to Osaka

We visited Osaka City over our holiday break. We took a 5 hour train ride to get there. It was a bit stressful locating the correct train, considering we can't read signs too well. But, once on the train we had a great experience. We passed Mount Fuji on the way.

We toured a wonderful aquarium and took a ride on one of the largest ferris wheels in the world.

We tried some new and delicious food, okonomiyaki.

We visited the Osaka Castle. Once built entirely of granite, but after being destroyed twice has now been replicated in concrete. It was still a stunning sight.


Jan Gattis said...

Loved seeing the pictures from your holiday. The video at the end is so fun to watch. You all look great and looked like a great time for the girls. Thanks for taking the time to update and share your Japan adventures with us. Much love, Mom & Dad

Tim and Kathy said...

I finally just got around to viewing your most recent pictures and videos--the 3 weeks I was sick I just wasn't interested in anything except resting and sleeping. I think I'm caught up now! Especially enjoyed the video with sound as I felt you were all right here with us. Hopefully this week I'll get the webcam up and running and we can visit for real. Miss you all sooo much! Much love to all! Kathy

Ben & Bobbi said...

Looks amazing!!!