Monday, February 16, 2009

Snow Festival - February 2009

We drove up into the Nikko mountains, about an hour and half, to enjoy some snow. The drive was beautiful.
We saw a wild monkey walking along side the road on the drive up. It ran off before we could grab the camera. It was really weird to see a monkey and not be at the zoo. The girls were thrilled!

The snow festival was fun. The igloos are lit at night and it's suppose to be quite a sight, but we couldn't stay that late.

Avery enjoyed her first sledding experience.

Actually this was Rylee first time sledding too. They both had a good time!

Instead of building snowmen, we built a small igloo.

Rylee really enjoyed putting her snow boots to the test. She would have jumped in the slush all day if we would've let her.

I decided to get brave a try fish on a stick, you eat the bones and all.

It was actually pretty good.

Avery really enjoyed it too.

I ate the whole thing except the head. You could see it's teeth and I just couldn't do it. But amazingly right after this photo was taken Rylee snatched it out of my hand and ate the head. We were shocked! She said it was good. Maybe I will try the head next time?


Susan said...

I know, I know, try it before you knock it, but eeewwwww!!!!

Jan Gattis said...

The girls did great sledding for their first times. Just adorable!! Still can't believe that they love the fish on a stick. They have had to problems adjusting to the Japanese foods. That's been helpful - love it!!