Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring Uniform

Rylee has a new Spring uniform and it's just too cute! Much better than the orange jump suit. She loves it too, she is thrilled she gets to wear a skirt everyday to school!

Rylee is learning many Japanese words and songs. She sings Japanese songs all the time at home and I have no idea what she is saying, to be honest I wasn't sure if she was just singing gibberish or actually Japanese words. So I decided to record her singing and show it to my teacher and what do you know, she is actually singing a Japanese song. My teacher recognized the tone right away and started singing along. I was amazed! In this video Rylee put her outfit together for the special performance, she is singing the Japanese graduation song. They have been practicing the graduation song because the school year ends at the end of this month. They will have a two week break and then school will start again in April.


Ben & Bobbi said...

Rylee's new uniform is adorable. I agree, much better than the orange jump suit. Your story about the song made me laugh...

PhunkyBS said...

that's too funny! So glad for your girls to learn a second language at such a young age! its so much easier to learn another language, when you are young, as you can see!!

Hope you don't mind me popping in here once and awhile! I saw the link when you were talking to your mom on facebook.

Take care!