Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Kyoto - March 2009

Waiting for the shinkansen to Kyoto

Our first experience staying in a Japanese style hotel.
Beautiful old Kyoto cemetery

Kiyomisu Temple

The lower structure of Kiyomisu temple was built with no nails.

Japanese garden

Geisha walking the old rural streets of Kyoto

Experiencing an authentic Japanese style breakfast. Rylee loved the rice wrapped in seaweed.

I was a bit leery of the things with eyes. Brian was brave and tried a bite of everything.

Taking the train to Nara for the day.

Nara deer park

The girls loved the deer!

Chris was kind to share his yaki-imo (Japanese sweet potato).

Kyoto Tower

We shared a great pizza dinner at the top of Kyoto station and a great view!

Fushimi-Inari Shrine

Kyoto Zoo

Although we were a couple weeks too early to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom, we did spot a few on the Philosopher's path. It was a lovely walk to end out fun filled trip.

1 comment:

Ben & Bobbi said...

I can't believe you were "leery of the things with the eyes"...after you ate the fish on the stick a little while ago! LOL!