Monday, September 21, 2009

Day 1 Obon Week - Oya Shrine

Oya Shrine is a beautiful shrine set in the side of a mountain of oya stone. Oya stone is Tochigi's signature stone. Many storage buildings, fences and sculptures made of oya stone decorate the Tochigi country side.

Big Buddha of Oya

Day 2 Obob Week - Matsushima

We had planned a trip to Matsushima and then camping in the Zao mountains with a few other OAPs, Garrett, Matt and Annie. However, our plans changed when a typhoon blew in. We did make it to see the beautiful islands of Matsumisha and then had to head home.

Despite the rain the island area was still quite beautiful.

We took a boat tour of the 250 islands.

Day 3 Obon Week - Igashira Park

We enjoyed biking and picnicking at Igashira park.

Going to feed the fish.

Day 4 Obon Week - Oarai Beach and Curry

We spent a fun afternoon at Oarai beach. The beach is only about one and half hours from Ustunomiya.

The girls had so much fun playing in the sand!

That evening we went to our favorite curry restaurant,
The Taj Mahal.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 5 of Obon - Mashiko and Gyoza

On Stephanie and Kerri's fifth day in Japan we visited Mashiko town. Mashiko is one of my most favorite places to visit. It's an artsy little town full of pottery and luckily it's only 40 minutes from Ustunomiya......well, lucky for me not our bank account!

This historic indigo factory is so beautiful and interesting.

Lunch at my favorite restaurant in Mashiko. They serve the food on the most beautiful pottery, I love it!

All visitors must pose with the towns mascot, the well endowed tanuki (Japanese raccoon).

On our drive home from Mashiko we passed some beautiful flowers, we had to stop.

Afer a fun filled day of pottery shopping we went out to dinner for gyoza. Utsunomiya is the gyoza capitol and it is one of my favorite foods in Japan!

Gyoza Man Restaurant