Friday, September 4, 2009

Home Leave - California Visit

After two weeks in Kansas, we flew to California to Mimi and Pop's house for a week long visit and to share in Aunt Kimmy's wedding. Chris joined us from Japan, we missed him so much!

Avery relaxing in the hammock.

Mimi and Pops also had a birthday celebration for the girls.

Rylee loves her new American Doll!

And Avery is such a sweet mommy to her bitty baby. Thank you Mimi and Pops!!

Happy Birthday to you!

We spent a fun afternoon at Lego Land!

We enjoyed some beach time!

Uncle Tim and Avery checking out the beach crowd.

Aunt Kimmy and soon to be Uncle Kevin at the wedding rehearsal.

Rylee and Avery practicing being flower girls.

The big day, Congratulations Aunt Kimmy and Uncle Kevin! It was such a lovely event in such beautiful surroundings.

peek-a-boo I see you

The beautiful bride!

The girls were so good. They actually sat through dinner and aloud Chris and I to enjoy ourselves!

Avery and Pops

Cousin Angie and Rylee

Elli and Briana, the guest attendants, were so sweet and helpful with Rylee and Avery.

Aunt Kathy and Uncle Tim

So sweet.....a young girl's dream.

Dancing the night away.

The day after Rylee enjoyed helping Aunt Kimmy and Uncle Kevin open gifts.

Our week in California was fun filled and so special. It meant so much to be apart of Kim and Kevin's wedding, memories that we will forever cherish.

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