Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wannpaku Park - December 2008

We visited Wannpaku park this past weekend. It's a beautiful park that I look forward to exploring in the spring. However, Wannpaku has a wonderful indoor play area that girls really enjoyed. I'm sure will be returning many times this winter.

After playing at the park Chris and I took a guess at picking a restaurant. I can't even begin to describe how hard it is to be illiterate, not to mention also being incapable of understanding anything that is said to you. We walked into this restaurant and immidiatly realized it was a sushi train restaurant. We think "great, no problem" until we are confronted by a computerized self check in system. I'm standing there staring at this computer with buttons to choose your table and the number of guests, but I can't read it to know which buttons to press. After standing there for a few seconds completely lost a very nice Japanese lady who was waiting to be seated obviously noticed my confusion and amazingly she spoke English. She checked us in and Chris and I prayed we would be able to guess our way through ordering and figuring out how you pay out. We managed and ended up having a great time. The girls loved the sushi train. I have been here for a little over a month and the nice women that helped us check in is only the second person I've run into that can speak English.

Merry Christmas!

The girls love to talk on the phone! Good thing we have two phones that are the exact same. It seems these days we have to have two of everything. Sharing is just not a concept Avery can grasp and she has to do everything big sis does.


Ben & Bobbi said...

Sounds like the indoor play area will be great over the winter. I'm sure you'll start catching on to the language more and more...until then thank God for kind people to help:)

Kruse Family said...

We loved the dinosaur park. It is very pretty in the spring and there is lots to do there. There is even a toy museum that is interesting. I am glad you found it.
Hang in there with the food. It is hard I know. But you seem like you are getting out there and trying new stuff and that is great.