Monday, August 31, 2009

Home Leave - Visit to Kansas

We arrived in Kansas on Saturday, June 20. We were traveling for nearly 24 hours before we made it to Grammy and GrandDad's house. It started with a 3 hour bus ride to Tokyo, a 13 hour plane ride to Chicago, a 4 hour lay over at O'Hare and a 2 hour flight to Wichita. Overall the girls did really well, but we were exhausted. Avery passed out in GrandDad's arms soon after we arrived.

Cousin Madison and Aunt Lulu joined us in Kansas for the 2 week stay. It was really great to share some quality time together!

Playing in Grammy and GrandDad's driveway, so much fun! No driveways in Japan, I miss the kids being able to play right outside the front door.

Our friends, the Tillman family, came from Ohio to share a day with us. It was so awesome to get to see them and the kids had so much fun together!

Bryson and Avery laughing it up on the swing.

Pizza picnic with Aubrey, Bryson, Elizabeth, Madison, Rylee and Avery

Play-Doh fun in Grammy's kitchen!

Avery turned 2 on June 25. Happy Birthday Avery!

Playing in the puddles

Water fun at King Park

Doughnuts with GrandDad


Bubbles! So many fun things to do at Grammy and GrandDad's house!

The girls received princess dresses, crowns and shoes for their birthdays from Grammy and GrandDad. I think Rylee wore hers nearly everyday while we were there, they loved them!

The girls enjoyed helping GrandDad in the garden.

Aunt Lulu brought their dog, Sasha, with them. The girls loved having a dog around the house. Avery just couldn't get enough Sasha love!

Uncle Boo and Aunt Carmen came from Kansas City both weekends while we were at Grammy and GrandDad's house. They gave the girls this awesome sprinkler/pool set for their birthdays. They LOVED it!

The girls and I really enjoyed having a backyard to play in. No backyard it Japan, actually grass is rear. I miss grass!

Water balloon fun!

Uncle Matt flew to Kansas to share a few days with us. It was so good to all be together!

Aunt Lulu, Madison, and Uncle Matt

Uncle Boo and Aunt Carmen

Uncle Boo and Aunt Carmen took Rylee to buy fireworks, of course she picked the diggest one!

Happy 4th of July!
We all went to the Veazey's house for a cookout. The VZ's have been family friends for nealy 25 years. It was fun to celebrate together.
Avery teasing Uncle Boo, she really took to him over this visit to Kansas.

Rylee lighting her first firework, so exciting!

Rylee getting ready to pull a champange out!

My girlfriends;
Me, Stephanie Smucker (my sister), Erin Brubacher (friends since High School), Aerica Veazey Kennedy (friends since Elementry School), Kerri Troyer (friends since Elementry School), and Traci Troyer (friends since Elementry School)
I am so blessed to have them in my life!

Avery snuggleing with Uncle Boo

Rylee snuggleing with Aunt Carmen

Madison turned 2 on May 29, Avery turned 2 on June 25 and Rylee turns 4 on July 29, so we shared one big birthday celebration for the three girls. It was so much fun!

Our last weekend in town and Rylee wanted to show Uncle Boo her swimming skills at the pool.

Luckily Rylee feels pretty comfortuable in the water, she will go under and is working on her swimming moves. I hope to enroll her in swim lesson next summer when we return.

It was a fabulous 2 weeks in Kansas. We made some great memories and shared some good laughs and conversations. It was just so awesome to be with family and friends and such a good feeling to be in America!

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