Saturday, March 6, 2010

Kimono Photos

A couple weeks ago we visited a photo studio to set up Rylee and Avery's professional photo session. We had so much fun selecting the perfect kimonos for the professional pictures. The picture above shows the runner up kimono selection.

Professional picture day has arrived and Rylee was loving every minute of the pampering. Both, Rylee and Avery, had their hair and make-up done.

Rylee's hair and make-up are done and she is already starting to feel like a Japanese princess.

The process in putting the kimono on was quite a detailed ordeal. There are so many layers and folds, it took nearly 20 minutes to get it on.

Rylee did so good standing still and being patient through the process.

The kimono was about 6 feet long, but with all the folding it ended up fitting Rylee perfect.

Rylee has transformed into a Japanese princess and is ready for her photo shoot!

Avery's turn! Mommy forgot to put her in a bottom down shirt, so she go to wear this cute little wrap for her hair and make-up process. Avery's already feeling very special.

Avery also did very good setting still for her hair and make-up!

Avery's kimono was a lot less complicated, it only took about 10 minutes to get on. And thank goodness, not sure how much more setting still she could have handled.

Japanese princess #2, all ready to smile for the camera!

It was a fun day of photos. We are eager to receive the professional picture in a month. The girls really did so good and I think they really enjoyed the experience!

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