Friday, March 5, 2010

Taditional Japanese Tea Ceremony

Thanks to my painting sensei, Yoko Mohri, I was able to view and participate in a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. It was Yoko who suggested I see this before I returned to the states. She informed me that this is an important cultural tradition that has continued through generations. Luckily, Yoko has some good friends that meet monthly to practice the special and very tedious process. They were so kind to invite me to view and learn this special skill.

These were the special sweet treats that were served to the guests. Each person was served tea individually. When it was your turn to be the special guest, you took each treat, but could only eat one. This was only one of the many, many rules to the tea ceremony. It is such a specific process it would take much training to perfect the systematic ceremony.

There is a special way to hold the tea bowl and it must be turned twice before drinking. Then only one sip is to be taken. After that you set the bowl back down give thanks for the tea and then consume the rest.

turning the tea bowl

The lady in the purple kimono is performing the tea making process, this takes a good 15 minutes to make just one cup of tea. Like I said, many rules and steps to this traditional skill. The lady in the pick kimono is the tea ceremony sensei.

After viewing three ladies, it was my turn to give it a try. Luckily, the very kind and patient sensei walked me through the detailed process.

After taking my turn making and serving the tea, then I got to be the special guest to receive the tea. Before for receiving the tea you must eat one sweet snack. The green tea is a little bitter and the sweet treat prepares the mouth for better enjoyment of the tea.
I was really glad I was able to participate in this experience. Everyone was so kind and eager to share this special tradition with me. I hope to participate one last time in April before we leave.

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