Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ashikaga Holiday Lights

This December our family has been hit will all kinds of sickness. Rylee with a nasty cough she can't get rid of, Avery with impetigo and the flu, and Chris with tonsillitis. Amazingly I have stayed relatively healthy and thank goodness! But, due to all this sickness we had to cancel our holiday travel plans. We had planed a fun filled trip to Nagasaki which is located on the southern island of Japan, Kyushu. Now instead we will stay home this Christmas and enjoy the sights around Utsunomiya and helpfully get plenty of rest for good health!
One of the sights the girls and I ventured to was Ashikaga Holiday Light display. (Chris stayed home to rest and recover from tonsillitis) Ashikaga is about an hour and half drive from Utsunomiya near the city of Sano. In the spring and summer it is a botanical garden type place and in the winter it is cover is holiday lights. The girls and I enjoyed exploring the park of lights despite the frigid temperatures.

Totoro, a character from one of our favorite Japanese movies.

And Sully and Mike from Monsters Inc., one of our favorite Pixar movies.

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