Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Preparations 2009

We did not bring any Christmas decorations, other than our stockings, to Japan. Last year we purchased a small used, pre-lit, pre-decorated, ugly Christmas tree from our favorite Japanese used goods store, Hard Off. Thanks to receiving a few ornaments from family and friends last Christmas, our poor little tree is looking a little better this year. Regardless of the shape our tree is in, the girls had so much fun putting the ornaments on it.

This is Rylee with Wendy, our Japanese teacher's dog.

Rylee and Mioko-sensei

After having made 3 dozen sugar cookies for Rylee's classmates for Halloween, I swore I would do something more simple for Christmas. However, I just couldn't think of anything more "American Christmas" like then sugar cookies. Plus my ingredients are limited here on what I am capable of making. It was fun to make them again and Rylee was excited to share them with her school.

Avery coloring her Christmas card that Mimi and Pops sent.

The girls had a lot of fun painting the ornaments that Aunt Kimmy and Uncle Kevin sent.

The girls were so excited to mail their Christmas lists to Santa.

The mailman delivers mail to a mailbox on our front porch, but for out going mail we have to walk a couple blocks to the end of our neighborhood to a drop off mailbox.

This winter has been quite chilly, colder than last year. We especially feel it indoors with no central heating.

We had fun making Christmas cookies for Santa on Christmas eve.

It is our family tradition to read "The Night Before Christmas" on Christmas eve.
Both Grammy & GrandDad and Aunt Kimmy & Uncle Kevin gave us a special version of the book with a recording of them reading it. It was so sweet and the girls just loved hearing their voices.

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