Saturday, February 20, 2010

Art Work Exhibition - February 2010

Kinugawaidai Yochien held their annual student art show on February 6, 2010. It was so much fun to see the projects that Rylee has been working on these past few months. She was so proud and we were so impressed with her work and with the hard work of the staff to exhibit all their pieces.

This piece represents the emperor and empress to honor girls day, Hinamatsuri,
held every year on March 3. However, Rylee says it her Mom and Dad dressed as a prince and princess.

Mioko came to support Rylee's special day at school.
The students are required to wear a mask to school each day, especially during cold and flu season. Avery wanted to be just like her big sis.

The students made ogre masks in preparation for Setsubun, held every February. Setsubun refers to the eve of Risshun (first day of spring). It is important that evil forces be cast out for good fortune for the new season. On the eve of Setsubun, people fling beans at demons lurking in the dark outside. Children often wear masks as they throw the beans to scare off the demons.

Rylee with her teacher, Sakamoto-sensei

Rylee and Avery with Rylee's three teachers, Sakamoto-sensei, Jinko-sensei, and Miki-sensei.

Aimie, Rylee and Avery

Rylee's drawing of herself at undokai, sports day.

Aimie and her drawing of herself at sports day.

The students made dolls of themselves. This is Aimie standing next to her doll.

This is Rylee's doll, of course her doll was the only blond headed doll......too funny!

The house say "Tulip Class Fruit House." Rylee is in the Tulip Class.

1 comment:

keyda said...

So after I got use the idea, the mask thing might not be such a bad idea.....does it help any? (I ask as I sneeze....)