Friday, February 19, 2010

Ghibli Museum - February 2010

As the winter continues in Japan we continue to seek activities that are fun and interesting and most importantly indoors. We took a day trip to the Tokyo area to visit the Ghibli Museum. Ghibli is a famous animation studio in Japan and we as a family have become fans of several of their films. The girls were excited to take the train for our day adventure!

Our shy and timid Rylee has really grown in her confidence and comfort ability in Japan. A year ago she would not have left our side in most public situations and here she eagerly takes her seat between two strangers on the train. It is so fun to watch the girls grow, in more ways then one!

Walking to the museum from the train station, very excited!

We had some time to kill before the museum opened. Luckily it was a beautiful day and there was a lovely park located right outside the museum.

Avery just chillin' eating her donut.

Once again seeing a new more confident side of Rylee. On her own she went up to this group of Japanese children and asked if she could play with them, speaking Japanese.

Unfortunately no pictures were aloud inside the museum, Chris snuck this photo. This is a picture of a huge cat bus for kids to play on. The girls were in heaven! The cat bus is a character from their favorite movie, "Totoro."

Exploring the outside of the museum. The architecture of the museum was really beautiful and unique.

The iron giant from the movie "Castle in the Sky"

Inside this ticket booth is Totoro, from our favorite movie.

By the time we walked by to the station Avery was done.

We took the local train to Tokyo station to catch the shinkansen back to Utsunomiya. But before getting on the shinkansen we stopped for kaiten sushi in the station.

Yummy tuna!!

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