Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Halloween

The Friday before Halloween Rylee took treats to her Yochien class. Halloween is not traditionally celebrated in Japan and Rylee wanted to share the American holiday with her school.

I stayed up late decorating Halloween sugar cookies for Rylee's class. Much thanks to my Mom who shipped me all the ingredients!

This is Avery in front of Chibiko-land daycare. On the Friday before Halloween Avery's daycare had a Halloween party. Like I stated before, Halloween is not traditionally celebrated in Japan, but it's not unheard of either. You can find some Halloween decorations at stores and even some costumes. But neighbors do not typically participate in "trick or treating."
Avery attends Chibiko-land daycare once a week for a couple hours. She loves it and it's a nice break for mommy :)

My two little kittens!

They loved playing with their tails.

All ready for trick or treating!

Another OAP mom, Heather Cabral, organized a "trick or treat" in her neighborhood. She went to 300 homes passing out fliers about the Halloween tradition of "trick or treating" and asked families to participate. She had an overwhelmingly positive response.
This is our little group from left: Logan, Rylee, Miya, Hana, Avery and Gabriel. We had a beautiful evening for "trick or treating." It was a lot of fun!!

This is Origa and Ieri, they are sisters. Origa attends the same Yochien as Rylee and Ieri and Avery are the same age.

Little Logan with his Dad, Steve.

A few of the Japanese kids from the neighborhood.

Hana, Rylee and Origa had so much fun together!

"Trick or Treat"
This was Avery's first time to really participate in "trick or treating."

This is Teki, his parents lived in Ohio for 4 years. He was so cute!

So excited!

We had to wake Avery from her nap for "trick or treating." She was a bit grumpy at first.

The two little ones, Miya and Logan. So CUTE!

I love the banana in the pocket, too adorable!

Avery just couldn't wait to dive into her treats!

Avery and Gabriel with the giggles!

We shared a very happy Halloween! It really was a great experience, almost just like being in the states. Only real difference was the candy, we received a lot of rice crackers.

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