Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Our good friends, the Tillman family, shipped us all the ingredients and the recipe to make these fun and festive turkey treats. Rylee had so much fun putting them together and eating them....delicious!!

Thank you Tillman family!!!

Thanksgiving day at the park, so beautiful!

Mioko and Avery
We shared Thanksgiving with several of the other OAPs and a few Japanese families. It was a lot of fun!

Aimie and Rylee

What a great spread!! It was all so delicious, just like home!! Many people went to great lengths to find some of the traditional Thanksgiving fixins. We had to special order two turkeys, turkeys are nearly unheard of in Japan. Thanks to my mom we had cranberry sauce and stuffing. And others were kind enough to share their shipped stash of canned pumpkin and French's onions. You really don't know how good you have it, until you don't have it anymore!!

Chris and Becky

Hana and Heather

Avery insisted on using chopsticks to eat her Thanksgiving dinner...too funny!

Hana and Avery

Rylee and Aimie and I being silly!

Now we're being princesses.

Salam and Laarni both had baby boys in the past month, Congratulations!!

After stuffing ourselves with good food we drove out to Twin Ring Motegi race track to watch a hot air balloon lift and fireworks show. But, due to the wind they could not do the hot air balloons. It was still fun to watch!
Mioko and her niece Kana came too. Avery sat in my lap and covered her head with her blanket the whole time. The darkness and the loud sounds of the fireworks were too scary for her.

Annie and Garrett also came to watch the show.
It was a great fun filled day!! We have so much to be thankful for!!

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