Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 2 of Grammy and GrandDad's visit to Japan

I've heard many times that it's the second day that the jet lag hits the worst. So we decided to have a more low key day with less sight seeing.
Sunday morning I took Grammy to my favorite shop in Japan, Daiso. Daiso is a 100yen ($1.00) store that is truly amazing. It's huge and you buy just about anything there for a dollar. I love a good deal!
After shopping we meet Mioko and her husband Nao at lunch at our favorite Indian restaurant, Tajmahal.

Mioko and Rylee enjoying Tajmahal delicious nan!

We spent the afternoon relaxing at home.

In the evening our good friend Annie offered to watch Rylee and Avery so we could take Grammy and GrandDad out for dinner. We took them to a shabu shabu restaurant. Shabu shabu is an interactive meal where you are given several plates of uncooked meat and a large assortment of delicious vegetables. Then you dip your meat and veggies into a simmering broth that sits in the center of the table on a cook top/hot plate. The meat is sliced so thin that within a few seconds it is cooked and ready to eat. You then dip your meat and veggies into a yummy sauce and eat it over rice.......oishi!!

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