Sunday, April 11, 2010

Grammy and GrandDad's last day in Japan

We only had a half of a day to sight see in Tokyo before Grammy and GrandDad had to catch a train for Narita airport. We decided to walk through Ueno park since it is the number place to see the most cherry blossoms.

Where is GrandDad??

The typical way to picnic in Japan is by laying a blue tarp under a cherry tree. Before setting foot on the tarp you must remove your shoes.
Ohanami is the most popular time for picnicking and it's an all day event of eating and drinking.

Downtown Ueno and Ueno station to the left.

Ueno Market Place

We also made a brief visit to the Tokyo Edo Museum. There was so much to see we will have to make a second trip sometime. The Edo period was from 1603-1868. In 1868 Japan opened it's boarders for foreigners to travel and trade.

Edo period transportation cart, carried by two men, front and back.

Typical taxi in Japan. The taxis are very clean, often the driver wears white gloves. And you are not allowed to open or close the car door yourself.

The girls were NOT happy about Grammy and GrandDad having to leave. Avery was actually physically trying to stop them, it was so sweet and so sad!!
All in all we had the most wonderful time sharing our Japan experience with Grammy and GrandDad. We are so grateful they made the effort to come. We made many memories we will cherish forever!

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