Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Traditional Japanese Lunch - March 2010

Once again, thanks to Mioko, the girls and I were able to experience an authentic Japanese meal that was very interesting and so delicious.
Mioko not only teaches Japanese to us Americans, she also teaches English to Japanese families that are preparing to move to America. Mioko was so kind to set up this lovely lunch so that Becky and I could meet two of her students that will move to America this April. My hope is to be able to help these ladies when we return in May. Plus, I am eager to continue relationships with Japanese families. I feel so blessed by this experience, it will be hard to let it go.
Above from left: Asami-san and her daughter Kyoka-chan, Fumiyo-san, and Becky
In back: Avery, Mioko, and Rylee

This restaurant was so beautiful on the inside. This lovely hallway was lined with small sliding doors that led to private tatami eating rooms. Rylee and Avery loved the small door openings, they were just their size!

Our meals were presented it these neat cases. Rylee and Avery's meals were served in a small dresser drawer set and the adult meals were served in stacked jars. Love the presentation in Japan!

Yummy Dessert!!

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