Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 3 with Grammy and GrandDad in Japan

On Monday we showed Grammy and GrandDad around our neighborhood. We enjoyed a pleasant walk down to the fish pond and we were so lucky to see that the cherry blossomed had bloomed.

Playing chase in the open field. Since we don't have a yard, this open field near our house it the closest thing we have to a backyard.

After all that running we worked up an appetite. We took Grammy and GrandDad to the girls' favorite restaurant, Bikuri Donkey (Surprise Donkey). And no they don't serve donkey meat, it's a delicious hamburg place. Not hamburger, but hamburg. Hamburg is a popular Japanese dish. It's basically just a hamburger patty with sauce on top. It is very much like meat loaf. The girls LOVE it!

Avery is a pro at chopsticks. She often prefers using them over a fork and spoon. Here she's eating salad with chopsticks. I think she's in for some culture shock when we move back to the states and she realizes McDonald's doesn't give you chopsticks with your meal.

One of the many "must try" on Grammy list was tako-yaki. Tako-yaki is octopus balls. She was happy to try them at Bikuri Donkey and I think she actually liked them! Grammy also tried mochi (mashed rice ball) for dessert. It was quite the cultural meal for Grammy.

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